UV Disinfection


UV light (ultra-violet) has the ability to cause permanent damage to a wide variety of hazardous organisms in water, air and other fluids. UV technology/Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection can be used to destroy such organisms that can cause health hazards, due to potable water contamination and process issues, due to bio fouling in process fluids.

Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection to reduce chemical handling

Expensive and hazardous chemical and biocide disinfections can be replaced by UV disinfection and reduce excessive and chemical handling.
CBIPL has vast experience of having supplied numerous UV systems for various applications across multiple industries like Food & Beverage, Oil & Gas, Marine etc. We can design and supply standalone UV systems as well as integrate these systems as pre and post treatment with our filtration and desalination systems.

UV light

UV light can efficiently reduce microbiological growth in water. UV radiation with a wavelength of 254 nanometers kills bacteria, viruses, algae, and fungi by destroying the DNA of the microorganisms. Disinfection by UV light is applicable to almost all water types.


The UV systems are developed and produced with a view to high efficiency, great reliability of operation, easy installation, long life, and minimum maintenance. CBIPL offers comprehensive technical consultancy as well as training of operating personnel.

Description of UV systems

Flow rates of standard systems: Up to 500 m³/h. The CBIPL product range comprises several systems for disinfection of both drinking water and process water.

Wedeco type Aquada

Flow rate: 1-11 m³/h. Operating temperature: 5-25°C.
The series comprises three types, each of which comes in five sizes. The systems consist of a cylindrical reactor of stainless steel with a UV lamp in a quartz pipe. Available with or without UV sensor

Wedeco type A

Flow rate: 4-16 m³/h. Operating temperature: 5-60°C.
The series comprises three types. The systems consist of a cylindrical reactor of acidproof steel with Spektrotherm® UV lamp in a quartz pipe. Equipped with UV sensor. Certified in accordance with the Austrian ÖNORM and the German DVGW standards. Biodosimetrically tested.

Wedeco type BX

Flow rate: 30-500 m³/h. Operating temperature: 5-60°C.
The series comprises four types. The systems consist of a cylindrical reactor of acidproof steel with Spektrotherm® UV lamp in a quartz pipe. Equipped with UV sensor. Also available in PE. Selected systems are certified in accordance with the Austrian ÖNORM and the German DVGW standards. Biodosimetrically tested

Wedeco type E/ME

Flow rate: 1-100 m³/h. Operating temperature: 5-25°C (E), 5-60°C (ME).
The series comprises nine types. The systems consist of a cylindrical quartz pipe through which the water flows. Several UV lamps are on the outside of the quartz reactor. Reactor and lamps are in a stainless steel housing. Equipped with UV sensor. The systems are sanitizable.

Wedeco type Spektron

Flow rate: Up to 500 m³/h. Operating temperature: Up to 30°C.
The system is equipped with temperature monitoring and UV sensor. Certified in accordance with the Austrian ÖNORM and the German DVGW standards. Biodosimetrically tested.