Aquatics & Hospitality

Residential & Commercial Pools

CBI represents the very best in aquatic facilities, competitive pools and recreational water quality. With solutions from industry leading brands such as Neptune-Benson® and ETS-UV®, our range of water filtration and disinfection solutions are designed to meet or exceed quality goals, reduce footprint requirements, meet sustainability objectives – and most importantly –  provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all. With competitive swimmers spending many hours a week in an indoor pool, it is important that we work together in providing a safe and healthy environment for bathers and spectators alike. In short, an indoor pool shouldn’t smell like an indoor pool. Water quality is of utmost importance for any residential pool owner. Many of us attribute the color of the pool to how clean it is; nobody likes swimming in a green pool. But ensuring the water is visually clean and clear is only half the battle, you also want to safeguard against recreational waterborne illnesses and chlorine tolerant pathogens. CBI has the solutions to create a safe and healthy pool environment that is simple and easy to maintain. A pool shouldn’t smell like a pool.Proper disinfection systems for bathers is one of the most important responsibilities of safeguarding aquatic installations. A properly disinfected pool is one that has algae and other organisms under control and the chance of infection transmission is minimal. The disinfection process of swimming pools and spas is impacted by a variety of factors. These include the pH balance of the water, its temperature, environmental wastes and user contamination. There is a balancing act between the level of contaminants and waste in the water and the amount of disinfection that should be used. The more contamination in the water, the more disinfectant you’ll need.

The Typical Process for Disinfecting a Pool, Spa or Aquatics Facility

The most common chemicals used in swimming pool disinfection are bromine and chlorine. These chemicals react with and kill inactive microorganisms and oxidize other contaminants in the water. Oxidation is essential to maintaining a sanitary swimming environment to help reduce the number of pathogens brought into the water by bathers and the environment. UV technology can be used to complement the use of chlorine for disinfection in two ways:
  1. Inactivate chlorine tolerant pathogens like cryptosporidium and reduce the risk of infection to bathers.
  2. Destroy chlorine disinfection byproducts (chloramines) which are harmful to bathers. Chloramines are the compounds responsible for the unpleasant smell in pool environments.
UV disinfection improves air quality, can reduce chemical usage and eliminate the need for shock treatments. As a result, there is less corrosion of surfaces and pool equipment and a reduced threat of pool closures.

Hotels, Resorts, Gymkhanas, Clubs

For the hospitality industry the pool is operationally the most under performing asset of the facility. Down time due to equipment failure is not an option and can leave a lasting impression on guests. With a wide array of disinfection and filtration solutions, CBI can help turn one of your largest expenditures into a profitable asset. We have been helping hotels and spas achieve operation excellence by improving water quality, tackling chlorine tolerant pathogens and reducing water and energy consumption. Whether the facility is indoor or outdoor, our filtration and disinfection systems have the quality and strength to excel at year-round high-performance operation.

Filtration is a key element of water treatment for swimming pools, water slides, splash pads, fountains, life support systems and other bodies of water found in aquatic facilities. At its core, the reason for filtering is simple; remove debris and other particles to keep the water clean and safe, while reducing the demand for chemicals.

The two types of filters that are commonly used in the aquatics industry are sand and regenerative media filters. Both operate on the principle of mechanical filtration.

  • Sand filters trap particles in water throughout the depth of their sand bed.  When the bed becomes dirty/loaded, it is cleaned by backwashing, a process whereby the flow of water travelling through the filter is reversed and sent to drain. 
  • Regenerative media filters trap particulate on the surface of flexible tubes coated with perlite media.  When the perlite becomes loaded, the media is regenerated by “bumping”, a process in which no water is lost to drain. 

Water Parks and Aquariums

Two key elements of any water park are water safety and water savings.  Utilizing the right products and technologies can have a substantial impact on the performance and safety of your water park. Experts in water filtration and disinfection, CBI has been providing water parks worldwide with the safest, most efficient, and reliable solutions for over 100 years.When fish and animals’ lives and well-being are at stake, performance, reliability and environmental awareness are a top priority. CBI offers superior and sustainable solutions that facilities can depend on.